Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blogging for Business Promotion


Blogging has become a cultural phenomenon in recent times, in 2006 there were 50 million active blogs and today that figure has grown to an estimated 400 million blogs and counting.

Only in the last 4 years has blogging become a popular way for promoting products and services online, it is now considered to be an important part of the online marketing strategy for any internet marketing company. To complement your business website, adding a blog can bring huge benefits if used correctly including free email marketing, increased search engine rankings and the ability to build a loyal community of blog readers  We can design, launch and manage your blog for you or simply develop it so you can post your own content as and when required.

Add a blog to your corporate website, and you will reap the benefits:
  • Show your potential clients how your business differs from the competition.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge, experience as well as expertise on your business area, relating to your products or services.
  • Improve communication between you and your potential clients, partners or suppliers.
  • Improve search engine ranking on Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing.
  • Improve Internal Communication.

Which blogging platform to use

There are many contenders on the market, so you’re spoilt for choice. The most popular are WordPress, Drupal and Blogspot . We at e-foreknowledge can help you set up WordPress or Drupal. Both platforms are flexible and very customizable as far as design and extensibility is concerned.


“WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

WordPress started as just a blogging system, but has evolved to be used as full content management system and so much more through the thousands of plugins, widgets, and themes, WordPress is limited only by your imagination. (And tech chops.)

WordPress was born out of a desire for an elegant, well-architecture personal publishing system built on PHP and MySQL and licensed under the GPLv2 (or later). It is the official successor of b2/cafelog. WordPress is fresh software, but its roots and development go back to 2001. It is a mature and stable product.”


“Drupal is an open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and distributed under the GNU General Public License. It is used as a back-end system for at least 1% of all websites worldwide ranging from personal blogs to corporate, political, and government sites including and It is also used for knowledge management and business collaboration.

The standard release of Drupal, known as Drupal core, contains basic features common to CMSs. These include user account registration and maintenance, menu management, RSS-feeds, page layout customization, and system administration. The Drupal core installation can be used as a brochureware website, a single- or multi-user blog, an Internet forum, or a community website providing for user-generated content.

Over 7000 (as of November 2010) free community-contributed addons, known as contrib modules, are available to alter and extend Drupal’s core capabilities and add new features or customize Drupal’s behavior and appearance. Because of this plug-in extensibility and modular design, Drupal is sometimes described as a content management framework. Drupal is also described as a web application framework, as it meets the generally accepted feature requirements for such frameworks.

Drupal runs on any computing platform that supports both a web server capable of running PHP 4.4.0+ (including Apache, IIS, Lighttpd, and nginx) and a database (such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, or Microsoft SQL Server) to store content and settings. Drupal 7 requires PHP 5.2 or higher.”


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