Thursday, December 1, 2011

E-foreknowledge - Email Marketing Campaign

Building relationships is the key for a business’ success in this modern age. It is essential to forge relationships with your customers to get the desired results for your business. You employ several means so that customers notice your brand and email marketing is one of them.

Today, almost everyone is connected to internet and checks their inboxes regularly, almost everyday. So, email is a great idea to convey your message to a large number of people with ease. It’s a cost-effective medium too and you can reach to a global audience at a lightening speed. Benefits of email marketing are innumerable but the more important thing is to use email marketing techniques in the right manner. Here are few tips that will help you incorporate a better email marketing campaign.

1. Identify your target audience:

It makes no sense if your missile lands in a no men’s zone. You should know whom you are sending your emails. Are they users of your product niche? For example, if you are selling diapers, your target audience is the young parents who have kids. If you are sending emails to the college going students promoting your diapers, your email marketing is a complete failure. Don’t go on building your email database but select the emails that are of your potential customers.

2.Website link:

People often think email marketing is an easy cake. But there are several intricate and minute things that determine the success of an email campaign. Your website link is the important thing that will bring traffic of the potential customers to your website. Don’t forget to map the email with your website link.

3. Content and Design:

These are the two basic pillars to make your email appealing enough to be viewed by the recipients. Visually attractive design and convincing content make your email marketing campaign successful. Make sure there are not too much content stuffed in the mailer to make it boring and perplex the readers.

4. No attachments please:

Unless you are not promoting and selling some very technical product, try not to include any attachment. Most recipients hate to download an attachment unless they are pretty sure that it’s beneficial for them. Try to include all relevant information in the body of the mailer only.

5. Correct name of the recipients:

Many recipients treat mailers as intruding to their privacy. If you include your recipient’s name correctly, he or she might think of coming it from a known source. And instead of going to the trash, your mailer will be viewed by the recipient.

6. Choosing right subject line:

Choosing a right subject of your mailers is an important aspect of your email marketing campaign. Right subject deceives the spam filter of the email service providers and help your mailers to make their way to the inbox. Moreover, subject lines also determine whether the recipient would like to view the mailer or not.

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