Monday, December 26, 2011

Ecommerce Web Design in Birmingham

Ecommerce Website Solution
At E-foreknowledge, our Modular ecommerce website solution is suitable for most business sectors and can be scaled to meet individual requirements however simple or complex. It liberates your company from reliance upon expensive updates. And immediately saves time and money.

24 x 7 business generator
Because the website content is being maintained by the people who create the content rather than web experts that content is being refreshed more regularly, website visitors and subsequent sales increase. Your website becomes what it should be – an effective 24 x 7 business generator.

Ecommerce Website Features:

1. Marketing Promotion and Tools:
  • Flexible Vouchers (pricing rules) with restrictions or rules set by you.
  • Free Shipping Option per product
  • Landing Page Tool for Campaigns
  • Search Engine Friendly URL’s
  • URL Rewrites
  • Send to a Friend Link
  • Social Networking Bookmarks
  • Catalog / Catagories Customisation
  • Cross Selling Products
2. Full Analytics and Reporting Offering
  • Logging of Administrator Actions
  • Integrated with Google Analytics
  • Admin Dashboard for Report Overview
  • Sales Report
  • View Abandoned Shopping Cart
  • Best Viewed Products Report
  • Best Purchased Products Report
  • Coupon Usage per Order
  • Total Sales Invoiced
  • Total Sales Refunded
  • View Customers Order History
3. Search Engine Optimization Tools
  • Search Engine Friendly
  • Google Site Map
  • Integrated with Google Analytics
  • URL Rewrites give full control of URL’s
  • Meta-information for content pages, products and categories
4. Catalog Management
  • Inventory Management with Backordered items, Minimum and Maximum quantities
  • Batch Export of products
  • Batch Updates to products in admin panel (price’s, tax and categories)
  • Virtual Products
  • Downloadable Digital Products
  • Customer Personalised Products – upload text for embroidery, monogramming, etc.
  • Attribute or options Sets for quick product creation of different p types
  • Create Store-specific attributes on the fly
  • Media / Asset Manager with automatic image resizing
  • Advanced Pricing Rules and support for Special Prices
  • Search Results rewrites and redirects
  • Approve, Edit and Delete Product Tags / keywords
  • Approve, Edit and Delete Product Reviews
5. Site Management
  • Multi-Lingual
  • Support for localisation
  • Support for multiple payment gateways
  • Fully 100% customisable design
  • Content Management System for web pages
6. Full Catalog Browsing
  • Category View and Purchase permissions based on customers credentials
  • Layered Navigation for filtering of products in Categories
  • Layered Navigation for filtering of products in Search Results
  • Tool to create category landing pages
  • Ability to assign designs on category and product level (unique design per product/category)
  • Cross-sells, Up-sells and Related Items
  • Product Reviews
  • Product listing in grid or list format with or with out images
  • Breadcrumbs
7. Product Browsing
  • Multiple Images Per Product
  • Product Image Zoom in
  • Product Reviews
  • Related Products
  • Stock Availability / back order option available
  • Product Option Selection
  • Send a link to a Friend
8. Checkout
  • Shipping to alternative address (optional, set by admin)
  • Simple registration process
  • Shopping Cart with tax and shipping estimates
  • Accept messages per item or per order
  • Multiple payment options available
9. Shipping
  • Integrated shipping rates
  • Shipping to alternative addresse
  • On-site order tracking from customer accounts
  • Flat rate shipping per order
  • Free Shipping
  • Rates for weight and destination
Source :

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Importance of Customer Relationship Management!!!

Customer Relationship Management for a Business

In order to survive in today’s competitive marketplace, organizations must strive to offer improved customer services. Consumers have started looking for professional and better services and with this the importance of Customer Relationship Management are being given due considerations in the new economy.

Today, customers are informed and educated like never before. They scrutinize products and services before spending on them, they exercise their consumer rights and with the advent of social media they are more capable now to influence the purchasing decision of others as well. In such a scenario, businesses are bound to employ a helpful Customer Relationship Management strategy to promote their product and create a loyal customer base. These loyal customers again promote products and services through their own networks. This is the additional advantage that a business can achieve through its patrons.

Through Customer Relationship Management, a business promises of offering a distinguished level of satisfaction to its customers. In their efforts towards offering a better level of customer satisfaction, companies should attract and retain customers and give them the advantages that others in the same niche don’t provide. The key attributes bringing success in Customer Relationship Management are ultimate product experience, quality performance, timely response to customer queries and exemplary customer services. In Customer Relationship Management, resourcefulness is the key. A business need to be always prepared and things must be in place to satisfy a client’s needs.

The image of a caring organization stands between its failure and success. If a business manages to create its image with better customer services, more and more people will show their interest to be part of its ever-growing customer base. For this, businesses should adapt to the consumers’ needs and preferences. For the success of Customer Relationship Management, businesses need to prepare a pool of professional and efficient customer service representatives who must be ready to address the issues of the customers promptly and positively. Whenever felt, appropriate training should be provided to these representatives to remain updated and skilful to help them perform their jobs efficiently.

Customer Relationship Management is not all about answering to the queries of the customers and clearing their doubts. Businesses implement lots many innovative programs to engage customers and promote their products or businesses. Customer survey is a popular form of Customer Relationship Management where customers’ opinions on their experience with the products are recorded. These opinions form the basis of decision making while deciding on advertising, promotion and product attributes. These improved product attributes play a significant role in retaining patrons and luring new customers as well.
In real sense, Customer Relationship Management reinforces an organization's commitment go the “extra mile” in an attempt to please its customers and keep them interested in its brand. In a cut-throat competition scenario, where everyday a new product hits the market, businesses need to implement strategies to develop a long-lasting relationship with its customers. When you successfully add a “wow” factor to your product and services, customers cherish your brand and ensure your dominance in the industry. Think on the ways of building better customer relationships, if you haven’t implemented any Customer Relationship Management yet.

Source :

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Content Managed Website Solution

Solution for Content Managed Website

At the core of  our Content Managed website solution lays a foundation of capabilities that enables the website owner to create, manage and publish content to their website without involving technical experts. By leveraging a flexible and agile system to optimise the process of publishing content and analyse the needs of the internal and external audiences, a rich and dynamic Website can be realised.

When your staff is already stretched to the limit, Echo CMS is a powerful solution that gives your employees the ability to keep content fresh and relevant for your Web audience. Publish up-to-the minute news and information about your organisation on your Website, Intranet and Extranet. Overall, your cost of production and ownership is dramatically improved – it’s more effective, quicker and safer – and much more productive and affordable.

Because the website content is being maintained by the people who create the content rather than web experts that content is being refreshed more regularly, website visitors and subsequent sales increase. Your website becomes what it should be – an effective 24 x 7 business generator.

Because Echo CMS is constantly evolving, the following list of features will continually grow.

User Friendly

1. Absolutely easy to use. Most users can pick up the interface with little or no training. This means your staff can be maintaining the site right away. If you can use a web browser, you can use Echo CMS.

2. Advanced What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) Editor with word like editing capabilities

3. Upload images and other files directly through the WYSIWYG UI, no need for FTP/SFTP.

4. Easy to undo mistakes.

5. Create and edit web page content, including text, graphics, hyperlinks, tables and forms.

6. Ability to set web pages as ‘Drafts’ and turn content On or Off.

7. Advanced link handling so your website links stay intact.

8. Advanced search engine indexing conscious design for web marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO), which is especially designed to work with our Echo SEO service.

9. Simple to use point and click editor.

10. Unlimited multi-level site navigation allows for unlimited hierarchical menus.

11. Instantly create new pages, update navigation menus through drag and drop.

12. Advanced style sheets for dynamics layout and complex design Statistical Reporting.

13. Web based control panel allows you to access your website from any computer

14. Full training given and on going support.

15. Password protected content managed pages

16. Site registration (roles based access to different content)

Source :

Thursday, December 1, 2011

E-foreknowledge - Email Marketing Campaign

Building relationships is the key for a business’ success in this modern age. It is essential to forge relationships with your customers to get the desired results for your business. You employ several means so that customers notice your brand and email marketing is one of them.

Today, almost everyone is connected to internet and checks their inboxes regularly, almost everyday. So, email is a great idea to convey your message to a large number of people with ease. It’s a cost-effective medium too and you can reach to a global audience at a lightening speed. Benefits of email marketing are innumerable but the more important thing is to use email marketing techniques in the right manner. Here are few tips that will help you incorporate a better email marketing campaign.

1. Identify your target audience:

It makes no sense if your missile lands in a no men’s zone. You should know whom you are sending your emails. Are they users of your product niche? For example, if you are selling diapers, your target audience is the young parents who have kids. If you are sending emails to the college going students promoting your diapers, your email marketing is a complete failure. Don’t go on building your email database but select the emails that are of your potential customers.

2.Website link:

People often think email marketing is an easy cake. But there are several intricate and minute things that determine the success of an email campaign. Your website link is the important thing that will bring traffic of the potential customers to your website. Don’t forget to map the email with your website link.

3. Content and Design:

These are the two basic pillars to make your email appealing enough to be viewed by the recipients. Visually attractive design and convincing content make your email marketing campaign successful. Make sure there are not too much content stuffed in the mailer to make it boring and perplex the readers.

4. No attachments please:

Unless you are not promoting and selling some very technical product, try not to include any attachment. Most recipients hate to download an attachment unless they are pretty sure that it’s beneficial for them. Try to include all relevant information in the body of the mailer only.

5. Correct name of the recipients:

Many recipients treat mailers as intruding to their privacy. If you include your recipient’s name correctly, he or she might think of coming it from a known source. And instead of going to the trash, your mailer will be viewed by the recipient.

6. Choosing right subject line:

Choosing a right subject of your mailers is an important aspect of your email marketing campaign. Right subject deceives the spam filter of the email service providers and help your mailers to make their way to the inbox. Moreover, subject lines also determine whether the recipient would like to view the mailer or not.

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